Error message

  • "0" Status: : php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
  • "0" Status: : php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known


Working with others is something we do all the time. But are we making the best use of these shared efforts? Meetings where we give only updates can’t solve the significant problems we are all facing, such as teen substance abuse, bullying, and the broad and expanding needs of our students. We need energized, effective partnerships with vision to address these problems over the long term. 
As you begin to plan for sustainable community change, you’ll need to attract, enlist, and keep the right people at the table. Your partnership will be most effective if it includes key decision-makers and involves a range of community leaders with shared interests and goals. The care you put into the first stages of building your partnership will pay off in productivity and smooth communication later on.
  • The “Think Broadly” activity will help you generate a practical and diverse list of potential partners. 
  • With “Share Your Message,” you’ll learn how to share your message clearly and compellingly, so that when you meet those potential partners, you’ll be ready! 
  • The “Connect the Dots” activity can help you to see how your team can create a unified plan out of the different priorities each partner brings. 
Along with these three activities, you’ll find lots of other exercises, tools, and resources you can use to make your collaboration count.

In this activity you will see how picking the right partners can lead you to places you hadn't anticipated.