Create Infrastructure

Build For Success

Just as a sturdy house requires a firm foundation, your implementation must be built on an infrastructure that is solid. A sound program will not produce the desired results if implemented poorly.

What do successful teams do to ensure a smooth implementation? In this activity you will discover TEAM CPR: the seven essential components of a winning implementation.

Implement with Fidelity

Two homebuilders working from the same blueprint could end up with vastly different homes. So much depends on how closely they follow the plan, what quality of materials they select, and the level of artisanship they demand.

Similarly, once you have identified an effective program, you still face the challenge of implementing it properly. Implementation fidelity is a reflection of how well you implement a program in comparison with the original program design.



Successful teams achieve high fidelity by attending to these key elements of implementation:

  • Training
  • Evaluation
  • Alignment
  • Monitoring
  • Communications
  • Policy
  • Resources

The TEAM CPR components are critical to establishing a firm foundation (your infrastructure) and building something that is meant to last. You'll learn more about TEAM CPR in this lesson.

To implement successfully, your plan should include the key components identified in the acronym TEAM CPR. In this activity, you will match the components of TEAM CPR to sample activities to learn more about the importance of each.

TEAM CPR Activity

Read about each TEAM CPR component in the first column. In the second column, read an example of what that component might look like in the "real world," and get feedback and guidance on the component in the third column.

TEAM CPR Component
Sample Activity

Conduct initial training and provide cross-training

Training imparts the knowledge, skills, and desire to implement programs successfully. Training can also help decrease resistance and generate enthusiasm and commitment to the program. Those who get more extensive training typically implement with greater fidelity than those who receive minimal training.


Approve cost-benefit analysis; Monitor fidelity; Collect implementation data

A cost-benefit analysis is a good way to use data to demonstrate how your efforts influence "the bottom line."

Monitoring fidelity/collecting implementation data keeps an eye on the process and ensures that you continue the very things that are getting you to the outcomes you want!


Incorporate effort into strategic plan

For a successful implementation, you must give serious attention to linking the program to the stated goals or missions of the implementing organization. As much as possible, the program should become part of the culture and mainstream practices of the school, agency, community or other organization.


Supervise staff implementing program

There's an old saying, "What gets monitored, gets done." This is true when implementing new practices and programs. Oftentimes, simply by monitoring implementation you can improve fidelity. In the absence of monitoring, implementation procedures can be altered or discontinued over time.


Provide feedback loop; Serve as spokesperson

Unfortunately, many folks who implement programs provide only one way communication to tell others about what they are doing and, possibly, the results that they are getting. Setting up a feedback loop helps you secure support from stakeholders, work towards program improvement, and improve your chances for long-lasting success.


Approve interagency info-sharing

Information sharing policies can create the infrastructure for providing better, more timely, and more appropriate services. Done well, it can also help you avoid duplication of services, thereby resulting in increased efficiency and cost-savings.


Allocate funds and assign staff to support efforts; Apply for grant

Let's face it: it is tough to get stuff done without resources. It is important to "think outside the box" and to value all contributions that partners bring to the table. You may find it helpful to break down a large-scale effort into its component parts. Then, address where you can find resources you need to support each component.


You are part of a team that wants to decrease inappropriate behaviors, including bullying, in local elementary schools.

Your team selected an evidence-based program that teaches elementary students pro-social skills. In this activity, you will help the team make key decisions about how they will implement the program.

In this activity, you will discover how important it is that you not only select the right activities but also select the right individuals to perform them.

TEAM CPR Activity

Read the description of the implementation activity. Then select the five best people for the job.

Hint: Think about the role each individual plays in his or her respective organization, rather than thinking about specific skill sets.

Implementation Activity

Select the individuals who should take the training to be trainers.

Police Chief
School Liaison Officer
District Superintendent
Elementary Assistant Principal
County HHS Director
County Case Manager
Boys & Girls Club Director
Boys & Girls Club Youth Development Coordinator
Youth Minister
Should this person take the training?
Correct Answers
School Liaison Officer Elementary Assistant Principal County Case Manager Boys & Girls Club Youth Development Coordinator Youth Minister


The School Liaison Officer, Elementary Assistant Principal, County Case Manager, Boys & Girls Club Coordinator and Youth Minister would each be likely matches for the task because they are partner agency staff members who can commit to the task.

In contrast, higher-level staff members in a organization (such as the Police Chief, District Superintendent, Directors and Pastor) generally have responsibility for directing others to perform specific tasks, such as training.

Of course, you should always follow any specific guidelines the program has for selecting trainers.

TEAM CPR Activity

Read the description of the implementation activity. Then select the five best people for the job.

Hint: Think about the role each individual plays in his or her respective organization, rather than thinking about specific skill sets.

Implementation Activity

Select the individuals who should approve cross training for partner staff.

Police Chief
School Liaison Officer
District Superintendent
Elementary Assistant Principal
County HHS Director
County Case Manager
Boys & Girls Club Director
Boys & Girls Club Youth Development Coordinator
Youth Minister
Should this person approve the training?
Correct Answers
Police Chief District Superintendent County HHS Director Boys & Girls Club Director Pastor


The Police Chief, District Superintendent, County HHS Director, Boys & Girls Club Director and Pastor would each be likely matches for the task. What each of these individuals have in common is the fact they occupy high-level leadership positions in their respective organizations.

Approving cross training for partner agency staff involves making decisions about allocating staff time and resources. These individuals are accustomed to making those kinds of decisions and carrying out that level of responsibility.


So far, we've discussed which activities are essential to implementation and some thoughts about delegating activities out to different team members. There are some additional important considerations to take into account during implementation.

In this activity, you will listen to suggestions from the team about HOW to perform some of the key actions for a successful implementation. You'll help the team decide which is the best approach.

TEAM CPR Activity

Scenario: The evidence-based program relies on well-trained elementary teachers who are able to teach and model simple but effective pro-social skills such as expressing kindness and empathy. The team is trying to determine who should be trained.

The first column indicates the individule while the second column shows what he or she has to say. Indicate below who seems to have the right idea.
That person's idea

Let's train volunteers to reinforce the classroom lessons at other places where our kids hang out, such as the Boys and Girls Club and Sunday School.

School Resource Officer

I like the idea of training teachers, but what if we also trained volunteers from the police reserve?

Assistant Principal

I like the idea of using volunteers or staff from partner agencies, but the model has been shown to be effective when classroom teachers teach the curriculum, so we should stick with that.

Who seems to have the right idea?
Select One
Pastor School Resource Officer Assistant Principal

Correct Answer: Pastor


The Pastor's suggestion to train volunteers who are a part of other groups such as the Boys and Girls Club is actually the best one in this group. It increases capacity, broadens the potential positive impact and distributes ownership of the effort. It's a great way to increase sustainability for the long run.

The School Resource Officer's suggestion to train members of the police reserve may be counter to implementing the program with fidelity. The Assistant Principal's suggestion limits the opportunities for sharing leadership and increasing capacity.

TEAM CPR Activity

Scenario: Since it was implemented two years ago, the evidence-based program for teaching pro-social skills in the elementary schools is showing positive results. Referrals to the office for disruptive classroom behavior are significantly lower in classrooms with the program. In addition, there was a slight increase in classrooms that did not implement. The team is wondering who the right group is to present these findings to.

The first column indicates the individule while the second column shows what he or she has to say. Indicate below who seems to have the right idea.
That person's idea
County HHS Director

Let's present these findings to our county commissioners and request funding to train our 4-H Workers, who are also concerned with developing pro-social skills.

Boys & Girls Club Youth Development Coordinator

I am going to present these findings to my boss (B & G Club Director) and ask her to present them to our board.

Youth Minister

I am going to present these findings to our parish council and suggest we use this curriculum for our middle school youth groups, who really need to work on their pro-social skills.

Who seems to have the right idea?
Select One County HHS Director Boys & Girls Club Youth Development Coordinator Youth Minister

Correct Answer: County HHS Director


The best idea here comes from the County HHS Director. Her suggestion for the partners to present to the county commissioner demonstrates an attempt to create shared ownership. As an added bonus, she also aligned it with the county's work with 4-H.

The Boys & Girls Club Coordinator is suggesting a communication approach that is "once removed" from the audience. That can water down the enthusiasm with which the message is delivered and the audience's response to the message.

The Youth Minister's suggestion is not ideal either. She is drawing a conclusion that may not be appropriate. She needs to confirm that this evidence-based program is effective with middle school students.

TEAM CPR Activity

Scenario: The school board and county commissioners were very pleased to hear about the positive results following implementation of the evidence-based program for teaching pro-social skills in the elementary schools. What should the team do next to captialize on this excitment and build on their success?

The first column indicates the individule while the second column shows what he or she has to say. Indicate below who seems to have the right idea.
That person's idea
Police Chief

We should ask the commissioners to designate the money raised from the county tobacco tax be used to fund this effort.

County Case Manager

I recommend that we write a policy that mandates that all teachers in the county get this training.

District Superintendent

I think we should issue a joint statement recommending that each youth-serving partner agency include this kind of training in their staff development plans.

Who seems to have the right idea?
Select One Police Chief County Case Manager District Superintendent

Correct Answer: District Superintendent


The District Superintendent's suggestion is the winner here; it demonstrates shared ownership and leadership of this effort, but still recognizes the autonomy of each partner agency.

The Police Chief's suggestion might be viable, but it's possible that allocating the funds for this purpose may not be allowable. (See an example of how one state uses county-raised tax dollars to fund programming.)

Finally, the interagency partnership should not suggest that it has the authority to write policy or impose mandates! The County Case Manager's idea is out of the scope of the partnership.


Once you have identified the right program, your focus shifts to the challenge of implementing it properly. Your goal is to implement to fidelity to achieve the desired results.

Here's how a successful team does it well:

  • The team attends to TEAM CPR, the critical components of an implementation strategy.
  • Partners, who were critical to planning, continue to play a key role in both the implementation and sustainability phases.
  • Implementation tasks are thoughtfully matched with the most appropriate partners, with attention paid to how specific tasks match up with a partner's normal job responsibilities.