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Partnerships that focus on program sustainability from the very beginning will have the best chance of making change for the long term. The data you gather can help you engage stakeholders in maintaining bullying prevention programs.
The “Create a Legacy” activity and the “How Can We Sustain Our Efforts?” tool will help your team identify strategies for sustainability in your community. Here are a few that have often proven successful:
  • Establish systems for interagency partnership so that collaborations will last beyond the involvement of the staff members who initiated them.
  • Research long-term funding sources, perhaps splitting financial responsibility among partnering agencies.
  • Seek buy-in from school leaders, public officials, and local business owners. 
As you identify your successes, remember to publicize them in key areas. The “How Do We Use Data to Communicate?” tool can help you inform your community about the strides you are making to reduce bullying and address its effects. With the support you gain for your programs, bullying prevention may remain a priority in the community for years to come.